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On the UCSD Supercomputer
Start Your TrialThis interface is used from the REST API to convey a BEAUti file, which contains the data, and configures sets the BEAST parameters. There are only a few parameters that can be set in BEAST runs, as everything else is handled in the uploaded file. This interface only works for BEAST v 1.8.4.
The Tool ID for this interface is BEAST_TG18. It is selected with tool=BEAST_TG18_
Input files
input.infile_ - Primary Input File
input.tree_file_ - Tree Input file
input.tree_file2_ - Tree Input file
input.tree_file3_ - Tree Input file
continues up to up to
Visible Parameters
vparam.no_beagle_ - Switch - Do not use BEAGLE, default=0. value of 1 avoids use of BEAGLE library.
vparam.runtime_ - Float - Maximum Hours to Run (up to 168 hours) default=0.5
vparam.datatype_ - Switch - My data set is protein sequences default=0. This sets the configuration correctly.
vparam.nu_partitions_ - Integer - How many partitions does your data have? This is used in run configuration. default=1
vparam.nu_patterns_ - Integer - How many patterns does your data set have? no default.
vparam.codon_partitioning_ - Switch, My data uses codon partitioning, This is used in run configuration. default=0 deprecated
vparam.path_sampling_ - Switch, This is a Path Sampling analysis. Default = 0.
vparam.save_everyval_ - Integer. How often do we save to file? (-save_every). No default.
vparam.save_statefile_ - String - Provide a name for the saved state file (-save_state) No default.
vparam.spec_seed_ - Switch - Specify a seed for this run (by default a random seed is used) default=0
vparam.seed_val_ - Integer - Enter the seed value here default=12345.