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On the UCSD Supercomputer
Start Your TrialCONSENSE reads a file of computer-readable trees and prints out (and may also write out onto a file) a consensus tree. At the moment it carries out a family of consensus tree methods called the Ml (M-sub-L) methods (Margush and McMorris, 1981). These include strict consensus and majority rule consensus. Basically the consensus tree consists of monophyletic groups that occur as often as possible in the data. If a group occurs in more than 50% of all the input trees it will definitely appear in the consensus tree. Part of Phylip.
© Copyright 1991-2006 by the University of Washington. Written by Joseph Felsenstein. Edited by NGBW team.
Manual: [url=][/url]
The Tool ID for this interface is consense. It is selected with tool=CONSENSE
Supported parameters:
input.infile_ - Primary Input File
vparam.runtime_ - Float - Maximum Hours to Run (up to 168 hours) (default=1.0)
vparam.type_ - Excl -Consensus type. MRE (majority rule, default); S (Strict), MR (Majority Rule), ML (M-sub-L)
vparam.print_tree_ - Switch - print out semi-graphical tree (default = 1)
vparam.print_treefile_ - Switch - Write best tree into a Newick tree file (4) (default=1)
vparam.printdata_ - Switch - Print out the data at start of run (1) (default=0).
vparam.indent_tree_ - Switch - Indent Treefile. (default=0)
vparam.outgroup_ - Integer - Outgroup (default, use as outgroup species 1) (O)? (default = 1)
vparam.rooted_ = Switch, Trees to be treated as rooted. (default=0)