IMgc Expanse REST interface: imgc_xsede_

This interface is used from the REST API to run IMgc on an aligned fasta file.

The Tool ID for this interface is IMGC_XSEDE. It is selected with tool=IMGC_XSEDE_

Input Files

input.infile_ - Primary Input File. In aligned fasta format

Visible Parameters.
vparam.runtime_ - Float - Maximum Hours to Run (up to 168 hours) default=0.5
vparam.maintain_seqlength_ - Switch - Weeds out individuals; maintains original sequence length (fast) -w. Default = 0.
vparam.weed_individandsites_ - Switch - Weeds out both individuals and sites; makes the largest block possible; (slow) -s. Default = 1.
vparam.weight_keepindivid_ - Float -  Weights keeping individuals. -i Default = 1.0. Weights keeping individuals vs keeping sites.
vparam.omit_nthid_ - Integer.Omit the nth id from the fasta file when optimizing -o . No default.
vparam.preserve_pthid_ - Integer. Preserve the pth id from your fasta file no matter what -p . No default.
vparam.save_statefile_ - Switch - Prints output in fasta format (not IM). Default = 1.

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