Logcombiner REST


Tree annotator is part of the BEAST set of programs. It is used to add information to tree files generated in BEAST


input.infile_ - Primary Input File
input.log_file2_ - addtional log files (required when num_logfiles > 0)
input.log_file3_ - addtional log files (required when num_logfiles > 1))
input.log_file4_ - addtional log files (required when num_logfiles > 2)
input.log_file5_ - addtional log files (required when num_logfiles > 3)
input.log_file6_ - addtional log files ((required when num_logfiles > 4)

vparam.runtime_ - Float - Maximum Hours to Run 72 max, default=1.0
vparam.file_type_ - Excl - lgfiles (default) or trees. (lgfiles means log files)
vparam.which_beast_ - Excl - Which version of Beast/Beast2 (4,104,260) =1.8.4, 1.10.4, 2.6.0, respectively. Default=104
vparam.set_decimal_ - Switch - Convert from scientific notation to decimal.
vparam.resample_val_ - Integer - Resample at new frequency, must be integer divisor of original frequency (no default)
vparam.scale_factor_ - Float  - Specify a scaling factor that will multiply any time units by this value (-scale; no default). Beast only
vparam.set_burnin1_ - Integer - specify the number of states to discard (default=200).
vparam.set_burnin2_ - Integer - specify the percentage of states to discard. No default.
vparam.set_output_ - String - Name the output file (default=out.txt).

If you use LogCombiner, please cite:

Drummond, A. J. and A. Rambaut. 2007. BEAST: Bayesian evolutionary analysis by sampling trees. BMC Evolutionary Biology 7:214.

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