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On the UCSD Supercomputer
Start Your TrialMigrate-N is used to migrate infer population genetic parameters from genetic data. At present one must create a parmfile using a local copy of Migrate-N, and in the parmfile, specify infile=infile. The parmfile is then uploaded, and th values in it are used to configure the run. In order to run effciently, one must specify the correct number of loci in the dataset.
A manual for Migrate-N is available [pdf]; Migrate-N home page here.
The Tool ID for this interface is MIGRATEN_XSEDE. It is selected with toolId = MIGRATEN_XSEDE
Supported uploaded files:
input.infile_ - Primary Input File
input.choose_parmfile_ - The parmfile that configures the run
input.choose_geofile_ - Select geofile; use when geo=Yes
input.choose_datefile_ - Select datefile; used when tipdate file=Yes
input.choose_sumfile_ - Select sumfile (for restarting a previous run)
input.choose_distfile_ - Select distfile
input.choose_catfile_ - Select catfile; used if categories=Yes
input.choose_weightfile_ - Select weightfile; Used if weights=Yes
Supported parameters are:
For all runs.
vparam.runtime_ - Float - Maximum Hours to Run. Max = 168, default=0.25.
vparam.num_loci_= Integer, required, sets the correct number of processes for an efficent run.
vparam.choose_version_ = Excl, required, choose the version of Migrate-N to run. Default=372; deprecated
vparam.which_migraten_ = Excl, required, choose the version of MigrateN to run. Default=444 (v 4.4.4); other allowed value: 4214, v4.2.14
vparam.num_reps_ = Integer, specify the number of replicates specified in your parmfile. Default=1
If you use Migrate-N, please cite
Beerli and Palczewski (2010) Unified Framework to Evaluate Panmixia and Migration Direction Among Multiple Sampling Locations. Genetics (2010) vol. 185 pp. 313--32.
If there is a tool or a feature you need, please let us know