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Start Your TrialREADSEQ is a biological sequence format interconversion utility.
Supported options:
input.infile_ - Primary Input File
vparam.runtime_ - Float - Maximum Hours to Run 72 max, default=1.0
vparam.input_type_ - Excl - 8 ( FASTA, default), 22 (Clustal), 12 (Phylip), 17 (NEXUS), 15 (MSF), 5 (GCG), 13 (Plain/Raw), 11 (Phylip 3.2), 6 (DNA Strider), 14 (PIR | CODATA), 20 (BLAST), 21 (SCF), 23 (FlatFeat), 24 (GFF), 25 (ACEDB), 1 (IG|Stanford), 2 (GenBank), 3 (NBRF), 4 (EMBL).
vparam.data_type_ - Excl - Data type sequence (default); morph; rest; freq.
vparam.output_type_ - Excl - 8 FASTA, 22 (Clustal), 12 (Phylip), 17 (NEXUS, default), 15 (MSF), 5 (GCG), 13 (Plain/Raw), 11 (Phylip 3.2), 6 (DNA Strider), 14 (PIR | CODATA), 18 (Pretty, 23 (FlatFeat), 24 (GFF), 25 (ACEDB), 1 (IG|Stanford), 2 (GenBank), 3 (NBRF), 4 (EMBL)
vparam.pretty_seqwidth_ - Integer - sequence line width default=60.
vparam.pretty_seqwidth_ - Integer - left indent (default=2).
vparam.pretty_colspace_ - Integer - Column space within sequence line on output (default=2)
vparam.pretty_countgap_ - Switch - Count gap characters in sequence width (default=0).
vparam.pretty_nameright_ - Switch - Put sequence name on right (default=0).
vparam.pretty_indexright_ - Switch - Put index on right (default=0).
vparam.pretty_interlinet_ - Integer - How many lines between blocks (default=1).
vparam.produce multiple weights file_ - Switch - (default=0).