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Start Your TrialTree annotator is part of the BEAST set of programs. It is used to add information to tree files generated in BEAST
input.infile_ - Primary Input File
input.tree_file_ - target tree files (only when tree_type eq "UTT")
vparam.runtime_ - Float - Maximum Hours to Run 72 max, default=1.0
vparam.which_beast_ - Excl - Which version of beast (allowed values=4 (1.8.4); 104 (1.10.4); and 260 (2.6.0). Default=104
vparam.more_memory_ - Switch - I need more memory. Incerease ememory to 64GB Default=0
vparam.burnin_type_ - Excl - States (default) or Trees.
vparam.set_burnin_ - Integer - Number of states to discard default=200 (beast only)
vparam.set_burnintrees_ - Integer - Number of trees to discard default=200.
vparam.set_burnin2_ - Integer - Percentage of burnin states, no defualt, beast2 only.
vparam.set_limit_ - Float - limit for posterior probability; no default; .
vparam.tree_type_ - Excl - target tree type; Max Clade Credibility (MCC), or User Target Tree (UTT). (default=MCC).
vparam.tree_heights_ - Excl - Set tree type: keep, media, mean, ca (common ancestor) (default=keep).
vparam.force_discrete_ - Switch - Force integer traits to be treated as discrete (default=0).
vparam.hpd_interval_ - Float - HPD interval to be used for the bivariate traits (-hpd2D), less than 1; (no default).
vparam.set_output_ - String - Name the output file (default=out.txt).
If you use TreeAnnotator, please cite:
Drummond, A. J. and A. Rambaut. 2007. BEAST: Bayesian evolutionary analysis by sampling trees. BMC Evolutionary Biology 7:214.