RAxML Workflow

RAxML Workflow on ACCESS

RAxML Workflow is meant to emulate the features offered by the RAxML GUI 1.0 tool. The raxmlGUI 1.0 program is described in Silvestro, Michalak (2012) - raxmlGUI: a graphical front-end for RAxML. Organisms Diversity and Evolution 12, 335-337. DOI: 10.1007/s13127-011-0056-0
raxmlGUI 1.0 provided RESTful access to CIPRES, so your jobs could run raxmlGUI jobs on CIPRES instead of on your laptop.

The CIPRES interface still works, but the new raxmlGUI 2.0 code does not allow access to CIPRES REST services.


If there is a tool or a feature you need, let us know.

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