Publications 2008

[2024; 483 articles] [2023;1099 articles][2022; 1422 articles] [2021; 1726 articles] [2020; 1546 articles] [2019; 1393 articles][2018; 1263 articles] [2017; 1011 articles] [2016; 962 articles] [2015; 671 articles] [2014; 566 articles] [2013; 365 articles] [2012; 254 articles] [2011; 154 articles] [2010; 97 articles] [2009; 61 articles]

2008 (4 articles)

  1. Granados, C., Camargo, C., Zea, S., and Sanchez, J.A. (2008) "Phylogenetic relationships among zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium) associated to excavating sponges (Cliona spp.) reveal an unexpected lineage in the Caribbean." Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 49: 554-560.
  2. Ali, F. and Meier, R. (2008) "Positive selection in ASPM is correlated with cerebral cortex evolution across primates but not with whole brain size." Molecular Biology & Evolution, 25(11): 2247-2250.
  3. Townsend, T.M., Alegre, R.E., Kelley, S.T., Wiens, J.J., and Reeder, T.W. (2008) "Rapid development of multiple nuclear loci for phylogenetic analysis using genomic resources: An example from squamate reptiles." Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 47, 129-142.
  4. Wiens, J.J., Kuczynski, C.A., Smith, S.A., Mulcahy, D.G., Sites, J.W., Jr., Townsend, T.M., and Reeder, T.W. (2008) "Branch lengths, support, and congruence: Testing the phylogenomic approach with 20 nuclear loci in snakes." Systematic Biology 57, 420-431.
hummingbird in flight

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