Publications 2010

[2024; 483 articles] [2023;1099 articles][2022; 1422 articles] [2021; 1726 articles] [2020; 1546 articles] [2019; 1393 articles][2018; 1263 articles] [2017; 1011 articles] [2016; 962 articles] [2015; 671 articles] [2014; 566 articles] [2013; 365 articles] [2012; 254 articles] [2011; 154 articles] [2009; 61 articles] [2008; 4 articles]

2010 (97 articles)

  1. Adamson, E.a.S., Hurwood, D.A. & Mather, P.B. (2010) A reappraisal of the evolution of Asian snakehead fishes (Pisces, Channidae) using molecular data from multiple genes and fossil calibration. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 56, 707-717..
  2. Richards SJ, Hoskin C, Cunningham M, McDonald K, DONNELLAN SC. (2010). Taxonomic assessment of the Australian and New Guinean populations of the green-eyed treefrogs Litoria eucnemis and Litoria genimaculata. Zootaxa 2391, 33-46.
  3. Muñoz, J., Gómez, A., Green, A. J., Figuerola, J., Amat, F., & Rico, C. (2010). Evolutionary origin and phylogeography of the diploid obligate parthenogen Artemia parthenogenetica (Branchiopoda: Anostraca). PLoS One, 5(8), e11932.
  4. Melo M, Bowie RCK, Voelker G, et al. (2010) Multiple lines of evidence support the recognition of a very rare bird species: the Príncipe thrush. Journal of Zoology 282, 120-129.
  5. Piazza, P., Bailey, C. D., Cartolano, M., Krieger, J., Cao, J., Ossowski, S., Schneeberger, K., He, F., de Meaux, J., Hall, N., MacLeod, N., Filatov, D., Hay, A., and Tsiantis, M. (2010) Arabidopsis thaliana Leaf Form Evolved via Loss of KNOX Expression in Leaves in Association with a Selective Sweep. Current Biology 20, 2223-2228.
  6. Kress, W.J., D.L. Erickson, N.G. Swenson, J. Thompson, M. Uriarte, and J.K. Zimmerman. (2010) Improvements in the Application of DNA Barcodes in Building a Community Phylogeny for Tropical Trees in a Puerto Rican Forest Dynamics Plot. PLoSONE, 5(11): e15409. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0015409.
  7. Lahr, D. J. G., Nguyen, T. B., Barbero, E., and Katz, L. A. (2010) Evolution of the Actin Gene Family in Testate Lobose Amoebae (Arcellinida) is Characterized by Two Distinct Clades of Paralogs and Recent Independent Expansions. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 28, 223-236
  8. Biggs, J.S., Watkins, M., Puillandre, N., Ownby, J.P., Lopez-Vera, E., Christensen, S., Moreno, K.J., Bernaldez, J., Licea-Navarro, A., Showers Corneli, P. Olivera, B.M. (2010) "Evolution of Conus peptide toxins: Analysis of Conus californicus Reeve, 1844." Mol Phylogenet Evol 56:1-12.  
  9. Biggs, J.S., Watkins, M., Showers Corneli, P., and Olivera, B.M. (2010) "Defining a clade by morphological, molecular and toxinological criteria: distinctive forms related to Conus praecellens A. Adams, 1854 (Gastropoda: Conidae)." The Nautilus, 124(1):1–19.
  10. Chen, W.-J. and Mayden, R.L. (2010) "A phylogenomic perspective on the new era of ichthyology." BioScience 60(6): 421-432.
  11. Felder, D.L. and Thoma, B.P. (2010) "Description of Etisus guinotae n. sp., and discussion of its recent discovery in the Gulf of Mexico (Brachyura, Decapoda, Xanthidae)." In Castro, P., P.J.F. Davie, P.K.L. Ng, & B. Richer de Forges (eds.) Studies on Brachyura: a homage to Daniele Guinot. Crustacean Monographs 11:117-138.
  12. Guenther, J. M. (2010) "Analysis of Two Widespread Versions of a Bacterial Replicative DNA  Polymerase" PhD thesis: University of California, Berkeley
  13. Hardy, N. B. and L. G. Cook (2010) "Gall-induction in insects: evolutionary dead-end or speciation driver?" BMC Evolutionary Biology 10:257.
  14. Heralde III, F.M., Kanto, Y., Astilla, M.A.Q., Lluisma, A.O., Geronimo, R., Alino, M., Watkins, M., Corneli, P.S., Olivera, B.M., Santos, A.D. and Concepcion, G.P. (2010) "The Indo-Pacific Gemmula species in the subfamily Turrinae: Aspects of field distribution, molecular phylogeny, radular anatomy and feeding ecology." Philippine Science Letters 3(1).   
  15. Mayden, R. L. and Chen, W-J. (2010) "The world's smallest vertebrate species of the Genus Paedocypris: A new family of freshwater fishes and the sister group to the world's most diverse clade of freshwater fishes (Teleostei: Cypriniformes)." Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57:152-175.
  16. Nyman, T., Vikberg, V., Smith, D. R. and Boevé, J.-L. (2010) "How common is ecological speciation in plant-feeding insects? A 'Higher' Nematinae perspective." BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 266.
  17. Raja, H.A., Miller, A.N. and Shearer, C.A. (2010) "Freshwater Ascomycetes: Hyalorostratum brunneisporum, a new genus and species in the Diaporthales (Sordariomycetidae, Sordariomycetes) from North America." Mycosphere 1(4):275–284.
  18. Vďačný, P., Orsi, W. and Foissner, W. (2010) "Molecular and morphological evidence for a sister group relationship of the classes Armophorea and Litostomatea (Ciliophora, Intramacronucleata, Lamellicorticata infraphyl. nov.), with an account on basal haptorid litostomateans." European Journal of Protistology 46(4):298-309.
  19. Jones, M. A., Covington, M. F., DiTacchio, L., Vollmers, C., Panda, S., & Harmer, S. L. (2010). Jumonji domain protein JMJD5 functions in both the plant and human circadian systems. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 107(50), 21623–21628. doi:10.1073/pnas.1014204108.
  20. Fong, J. J. and Chen, T. H. (2010). DNA evidence for the hybridization of wild turtles in Taiwan: possible genetic pollution from trade animals. Conservation Genetics 11: 2061-2066.
  21. Espíndola, A.; Buerki, S.; Bedalov, M.; Küpfer, P. and Alvarez, N. (2010) "New insights into the phylogenetics and biogeography of Arum (Araceae): unravelling its evolutionary history." Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 163 (1):14-32.
  22. Xu S, W. Ren, X. Zhou, K. Zhou, G. Yang (2010) "Sequence polymorphism and geographical variation at a positively selected MHC-DRB gene in the finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides): implication for recent differentiation of the Yangtze finless porpoise?" Journal of Molecular Evolution 71: 6-22. 
  23. Sass, C., and Specht, C.D. (2010) "Phylogenetic estimation of the core Bromelioids with an emphasis on the genus Aechmea (Bromeliaceae)."Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 55(2) 559-571.
  24. Gryganskyi, A.P., Lee, S.C., Litvintseva, A.P., Smith, M.E., Bonito, G., Porter, T.M., Anishchenko, I.M., Heitman, J., and Vilgalys, R. (2010) "Structure, function, and phylogeny of the mating locus in the Rhizopus oryzae complex". PLoS ONE 5,12:1-12.
  25. Soza, V.L. and Olmstead, R.G. (2010) "Evolution of breeding systems and fruits in New World Galium and relatives (Rubiaceae)." American Journal of Botany 97(10): 1630-1646.
  26. Bayha, K.M., and Dawson, M.N. (2010) "A new family of allomorphic jellyfish, Drymonematidae (Scyphozoa, Discomedusae), emphasizes evolution in the functional morphology and trophic ecology of gelatinous zooplankton." Biological Bulletin 219:249-267.
  27. Bayha, K.M., Dawson, M.N., Collins, A.G., Barbeitos, M.S., and Haddock, S.H.D. (2010) "Evolutionary relationships among scyphozoan jellyfish families based on complete taxon sampling and phylogenetic analyses of 18S and 28S ribosomal DNA." Integrative & Comparative Biology doi: 10.1093/icb/icq074.
  28. Dawson, M.N, Grosberg, R.K., Sanford, E., and Stuart, Y.E. (2010) "Population genetic analysis of a recent range expansion: mechanisms regulating the poleward range limit in the volcano barnacle Tetraclita rubescens." Molecular Ecology 19:1585-1605.
  29. Herrera S., Baco, A., and Sánchez, J.A. (2010) "Molecular systematics of the bubblegum coral genera (Paragorgiidae, Octocorallia) and description of a new deep-sea species." Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 55: 123–135.
  30. Buerki, S., Phillipson, P.B., Lowry II, P.P., and Callmander, M.W. (2010) "Molecular phylogenetics and morphological evidence support recognition of Gereaua, a new endemic genus of Sapindaceae from Madagascar." Systematic Botany 35: 172-180.
  31. Buerki, S., Lowry II, P.P., Alvarez, N., Razafimandimbison, S.G., Küpfer, P., and Callmander, M.W. (2010) "Phylogeny and circumscription of Sapindaceae revisited: molecular sequence data, morphology and biogeography support recognition of a new family, Xanthoceraceae." Plant Ecology and Evolution, 143: 148-161.
  32. Tedersoo, L., Nilsson, R.H., Abarenkov, K., Jairus, T., Sadam, A., Saar, I., Bahram, M., Bechem, E., Chuyong, G., and Kõljalg, U. (2010) "454 Pyrosequencing and Sanger sequencing of tropical mycorrhizal fungi provide similar results but reveal substantial methodological biases." New Phytol. 188: 291-301.
  33. Qiu, Y.-L., Li, L., Wang, B., Xue, J.-Y., Hendry, T. A., Li, R.-Q., Brown, J.W., Liu, Y., Hudson, G.T., and Chen, Z. (2010) "Angiosperm phylogeny inferred from sequences of four mitochondrial genes." Journal of Systematics and Evolution 48: 391-425.
  34. Wang, B., Yeun, L.H., Xue, J.-Y., Liu, Y., Ané, J.M., and Qiu, Y.-L.(2010) "Presence of three mycorrhizal genes in the common ancestor of land plants suggests a key role of mycorrhizas in the colonization of land by plants." New Phytologist 186: 514-525.
  35. Crews, S.C. and Gillespie, R.G. (2010) "Molecular systematics of Selenops spiders (Araneae: Selenopidae) from North and Central America: implications for Caribbean biogeography." Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 101: 288-322.
  36. Spagna, J.C., Crews, S.C., and Gillespie, R.G. (2010) "Patterns of habitat affinity and Austral/Holarctic parallelism in dictynoid spiders (Araneae: Entelegynae)." Invertebrate Systematics 24: 238-257.
  37. Crisp, M. D., Isagi, Y. Kato, Y., Cook, L.G., and Bowman, D.M.S. (2010) "Livistona palms in Australia: ancient relics or opportunistic immigrants?" Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 54:512-523.
  38. Claramunt, S. (2010) "Discovering exceptional diversifications at continental scales: the case of the endemic families of Neotropical suboscine passerines." Evolution 64(7):2004–2019.
  39. Claramunt, S., Derryberry, E.P., Chesser, R.T., Aleixo, A., and Brumfield, R.T. (2010) "Polyphyly of Campylorhamphus, and description of a new genus for C. pucherani (Dendrocolaptinae)." Auk 127(2):430-439.
  40. Derryberry, E. P., Claramunt, S., O'Quin, K.E., Aleixo, A., Chesser, R.T., Remsen Jr., J.V., and Brumfield, R.T. (2010) "Pseudasthenes, a new genus of ovenbird (Aves: Passeriformes: Furnariidae)." Zootaxa 2416:61-68.
  41. Derryberry, E. P., Claramunt, S., Chesser, R.T., Aleixo, A., Cracraft, J., Moyle, R.G., and Brumfield, R.T. (2010) "Certhiasomus, a new genus of woodcreeper (Aves: Passeriformes: Dendrocolaptidae)." Zootaxa 2416:44-50.
  42. Hulcr, J., and Cognato, A. (2010) "Repeated evolution of theft in fungus farming ambrosia beetles." Evolution 64 (11): 3205–3212.
  43. Espíndola, A., Buerki, S., Bedalov, M., Kupfer, P., Alvarez, N. (2010) "New insights into the phylogenetics and biogeography of Arum (Araceae): unravelling its evolutionary history." Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 163, 14-32.
  44. Schreiber, L. (2010). "Assessing the genetic potential of uncultivated sulfate reducing bacteria." PhD thesis. University of Bremen, Germany. URN: urn:nbn🇩🇪gbv:46-diss000120197
  45. Smith, S., Belov, K. and Hughes, J (2010) "MHC screening for marsupial conservation: extremely low levels of class II diversity indicate population vulnerability for an endangered Australian marsupial." Conservation Genetics. 11 (1): 269-278.
  46. Smith, S., Turbill, C. and Suchentrunk, F (2010) "Introducing mother’s curse: low male fertility associated with an imported mtDNA haplotype in a captive colony of brown hares." Molecular Ecology. 19 (1): 36-43.
  47. Chaves, J.C., Cuervo, A.M., Miller, M.J., and Cadena, C.D. (2010) "Revising species limits in a group of Myrmeciza antbirds reveals a cryptic species within M. laemosticta (Thamnophilidae)." The Condor 112: 718-730
  48. Elias, M (2010) "Patterns and processes in the evolution of the eukaryotic endomembrane system." Molecular Membrane Biology 27:469-489.
  49. Eliáš, M., Němcová, Y., Škaloud, P., Neustupa, J., Kaufnerová, V., and Šejnohová, L. (2010) "Hylodesmus singaporensis gen. et sp. nov., a new autosporine subaerial green alga (Scenedesmaceae, Chlorophyta) from Singapore." International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60:1224-1235.
  50. Rai, H.S. and Graham, S.W. (2010) "Utility of a large, multigene plastid data set in inferring higher-order relationships in ferns and relatives (monilophytes)." American Journal of Botany. 97(9): 1-13.
  51. Wiens, J.J., Kuczynski, C.A., Townsend, T.M., Reeder, T.W., Mulcahy, D.G., and Sites, J.W., Jr., (2010) "Combining phylogenomics and fossils in higher-level squamate phylogeny: Molecular data change the placement of fossil taxa." Systematic Biology 59, 674-688.
  52. Ye, W., and Zhu, R-L. (2010) Leucolejeunea, a new synonym of Cheilolejeunea (Lejeuneaceae), with special reference to new combinations and nomenclature. Journal of Bryology 32 (4): 279-282.
  53. He, M., Feng, J., and Zhao, E. (2010) The complete mitochondrial genome of the Sichuan hot spring keel-back (Thermophis zhaoermii; Serpentes: Colubridae) and a mitogenomic phylogeny of the snakes. Mitochondrial DNA, 21: 8-18.
  54. Bartlett, M.E., and Specht, C.D. (2010) "Evidence for the involvement of GLOBOSA-like gene duplications and expression divergence in the evolution of floral morphology in the Zingiberales." New Phytologist 187:521-541.
  55. Bart, H.L. Jr., Reneau, P.C., Doosey, M.H., and Bell, C.D. (2010) "Evolutionary divergence of duplicate copies of the growth hormone gene in suckers (Actinopterygii: Catostomidae)." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 11, 1090-1102.
  56. Doosey, M.H., Bart, H.L. Jr., Saitoh, K., and Miya, M. (2010) "Phylogenetic relationships of catostomid fishes (Actinopterygii: Cypriniformes) based on mitochondrial ND4/ND5 gene sequences." Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 54, 1028-1034.
  57. Liu, N., Sliwinski M.K., Correa, R. and Baum, D. A (2010) "Possible contributions of TERMINAL FLOWER 1 to the evolution of rosette flowering in Leavenworthia (Brassicaceae)." New Phytologist (published online: 3 NOV 2010 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03511.x).
  58. Koopman, M. and Baum, D.A. (2010) "Isolating nuclear genes and identifying lineages without monophyly: An example of closely related species from Southern Madagascar." International Journal of Plant Sciences. 171: 761-771.
  59. Sharanowski, B.J., Robbertse, B., Walker, J., Voss, S.R., Yoder, S.R., Spatafora, J., and Sharkey, M.J. (2010) "Expressed sequence tags reveal Proctotrupomorpha (minus Chalcidoidea) as sister to Aculeata (Hymenoptera: Insecta)." Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57: 101-112.
  60. Gardner, J.L., Trueman, J.W.H., Ebert, D., Joseph, L., and Magrath, R.D. (2010) "Phylogeny and evolution of the Meliphagoidea, the largest radiation of Australasian songbirds." Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 55:1087-1102.
  61. Gusmão, L.C. and Daly, M. (2010) "Evolution of sea anemones (Cnidaria: Actiniaria: Hormathiidae) symbiotic with hermit crabs." Mol. Phylo. Evol. 56:868-877.
  62. Rosell, J.A., Olson, M.E., Weeks, A., De-Nova, A., Medina-Lemos,R., Pérez-Camacho,J., Feria, T.P., Gómez-Bermejo,R., Montero, J.C., Eguiarte, L. (2010) "Diversification in species complexes: tests of species origin and delimitation in the Bursera simaruba clade of tropical trees (Burseraceae)." Molecular Phylogenetics and Evol. 57(2):798-811. Epub 2010 Aug 17.
  63. Unmack, P.J. and Dowling, T.E. (2010) "Biogeography of the genus Craterocephalus (Teleostei: Atherinidae) in Australia." Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 55:968-984. [abstract].
  64. Foltz, D. W. and Mah, C. L. (2010) "Difference in larval type explains patterns of nonsynonymous substitutions in two ancient paralogs of the histone H3 gene in sea stars." Evolution & Development 12:222–230. [abstract]
  65. Alexander, P.J., Windham, M.D., Al-Shehbaz, I. A. and Bailey C.D. (2010) Molecular phylogenetics and taxonomy of the genus Thysanocarpus (Brassicaceae). Systematic Botany 35(3):559-577. [abstract].
  66. Promputtha, I. and Miller, A.N. (2010) "Three new species of Acanthostigma (Tubeufiaceae, Pleosporales) from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park." Mycologia 102(3):574-587. [abstract].
  67. Hirayama, K., Tanaka, K., Raja, H.A. Miller, A.N. and Shearer, C.A. (2010) "A molecular phylogenetic assessment of Massarina ingoldiana sensu lato." Mycologia 102(3):729-746. [abstract]
  68. Raja, H.A., Ferrer, A., Shearer, C.A., and Miller, A.N. (2010) Freshwater Ascomycetes: Wicklowia aquatica, a new genus and species in the Pleosporales from Florida and Costa Rica. Mycoscience: 51:208–214. [abstract]
  69. Edgcomb, V., Beaudoin, D., Gast, R., Biddle, J.F. and Teske, A. (2010) "Marine subsurface eukaryotes: the fungal majority." Environ. Microbiol. Epub. [abstract]
  70. Schreeg L.A., D.L. Erickson, W.J. Kress and Swenson, N.G. (2010) "Phylogenetic analysis of local-scale tree soil associations in a lowland moist tropical forest" PLoS ONE 5(10): e13685. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013685.
  71. Tanga, K. L., Agnewa, M.K., Hirt, M.V., Sado, T., Schneider, L.M., Freyhofd, J., Sulaiman, Z., Swartz, E., Vidthayanon, C., Miya, M., Saitoh, K., Simons, A.M., Wood, R.M., and Richard L. Mayden (2010) "Systematics of the subfamily Danioninae (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae)" Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57(1):189-214. [abstract]
  72. Miller, T.L., Adlard, R.D., Bray, R.A., Justine, J-L. and Cribb, T.H. (2010). "Cryptic species of Euryakaina n. g. (Digenea: Cryptogonimidae) from sympatric lutjanids in the Indo-West Pacific." Systematic Parasitology 77(3) 185-204, DOI: 10.1007/s11230-010-9266-7.
  73. Miller, T.L., Bray, R.A., Justine, J-L. and Cribb, T.H. (2010) "Varialvus gen. nov. (Digenea, Cryptogonimidae), from species of Lutjanidae (Perciformes) off the Great Barrier Reef, New Caledonia and the Maldives." Acta Parasitologica. 55(4) 327-339.
  74. Draisma, S.G.A., Prud’homme van Reine, W.F. and Kawai, H. (2010) "A revised classification of the Sphacelariales (Phaeophyceae) inferred from a psbC and rbcL based phylogeny." European Journal of Phycology 45(3):308-326. [abstract]
  75. Unterseher, M. and Schnittler, M. (2010) "Species richness analysis and ITS rDNA phylogeny revealed the majority of cultivable foliar endophytes from beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)." Fungal Ecology 3(4) 366-378 [abstract].
  76. Lara, E., Mitchell, E.A.D., Moreira, D., and López García, P. (2010) "Highly diverse and seasonally dynamic protist community in a pristine peat bog." Protist Aug 6. [Epub ahead of print] [abstract]
  77. Heger, T.J., Pawlowski, J., Lara, E., Leander, B.S., Todorov, M., Golemansky, V., and Mitchell, E.A.D. (2010) "Comparing COI and SSU rDNA barcodes for assessing the diversity and phylogenetic relationships of cyphoderiid testate amoebae (Rhizaria: Euglyphida)" Protist 2010 Aug 9. [Epub ahead of print] [abstract]
  78. Heger, T.J., Mitchell, E.A.D, Todorov, M., Golemansky, V., Lara, E., Leander, B.S., and Pawlowski, J. (2010) "Molecular phylogeny of euglyphid testate amoebae (Cercozoa: Euglyphida) suggests transitions between marine supralittoral and freshwater/terrestrial environments are infrequent." Mol Phyl Evol 55: 113–122. [abstract]
  79. Dunthorn, M., Foissner, W., and Katz, L.A. (2010). "Expanding character sampling in ciliate phylogenetic inference using mitochondrial SSU-rDNA as a molecular marker." Protist Aug 12. [Epub ahead of print] [abstract]
  80. Yi, Z., M. Dunthorn, W. Song, and Stoeck, T. (2010) "Increasing taxon sampling using both unidentified environmental sequences and identified cultures improves phylogenetic inference in the Prorodontida (Ciliophora, Prostomatea)." Mol Phylogenet Evol. Aug 10. [Epub ahead of print] [abstract]
  81. Schulte II, J. A., and Moreno-Roark, F. (2010) "Live birth among iguanian lizards predates Pliocene-Pleistocene glaciations." Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Biological Sciences, Biology Letters 6:216-218. [abstract]
  82. Taylor D. J., Leach, R. W., and Bruenn, J. (2010) "Filoviruses are ancient and integrated into mammalian genomes." BMC Evolutionary Biology 10:193.[pdf]
  83. Kotov, A. A. and Taylor, D. J. (2010) "A new African lineage of the Daphnia obtusa group (Cladocera: Daphniidae) disrupts continental vicariance patterns." J. Plankton Res. 32:937-949. [abstract]
  84. Sangster, G., Alstrom, P., Forsmark, E. & Olsson, U. (2010) "Multi-locus phylogenetic analysis of Old World chats and flycatchers reveals extensive paraphyly at family, subfamily and genus level (Aves: Muscicapidae)." Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57(1):380-92. [abstract]
  85. Naumann, M., Schüßler, A., Bonfante, P. (2010) "The obligate endobacteria of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are ancient heritable components related to the Mollicutes." The ISME Journal 4:862-871. [abstract]
  86. Olsen, K.M., Gross, B.L., Reagon, M, Hsu, S.C., Caicedo, A.L., and Jia, Y. (2010) "Seeing red: the origin of grain pigmentation in US weedy rice." Molecular Ecology 19(16):3380-3393. [abstract]
  87. Barley AJ, Spinks PQ, Thomson RC, Shaffer HB. (2010) "Fourteen nuclear genes provide phylogenetic resolution for difficult nodes in the turtle tree of life." Mol Phylogenet Evol. 55(3):1189-94. [abstract]
  88. Toon, A., Pérez-Losada, M., Schweitzer, C. E., Feldmann, R. M., Carlson, M. and Crandall, K. A. (2010) Gondwanan radiation of the southern hemisphere crayfish (Decapoda: Parastacidae): Evidence from fossils and molecules. Journal of Biogeography, Epub, Aug 3, 2010. [abstract]
  89. Toon, A., Hughes, J. M. and Joseph, L. (2010) Multilocus analysis of honeyeaters (Aves: Meliphagidae) highlights spatio-temporal heterogeneity in the influence of biogeographic barriers in the Australian monsoonal zone. Molecular Ecology, 19: 2980-2994. [abstract]
  90. Parfrey, L.W., Grant, J., Tekle, Y.I., Lasek-Nesselquist, E., Morrison, H.G., Sogin, M.L., Patterson, D.J., Katz, L.A (2010) "Broadly Sampled Multigene Analyses Yield a Well-Resolved Eukaryotic Tree of Life." Systematic Biology. Epub July 23, 2010. [abstract]
  91. San Mauro, D., and Agorreta, A. (2010) "Molecular systematics: A synthesis of the common methods and the state of knowledge." Cell Mol Biol Lett.15(2):311-41. Epub 2010 Mar 5. [abstract]
  92. Regier, J.C., Shultz, J.W., Zwick, A., Hussey, A., Ball, B., Wetzer, R., Martin, J. W., and Cunningham, C. W. (2010) "Arthropod relationships revealed by phylogenomic analysis of nuclear protein-coding sequences." Nature 463, 1079-1083.
  93. Meyer, A., and Lieb, B. (2010) "Respiratory proteins in Sipunculus nudus - Implications for phylogeny and evolution of the hemerythrin family." Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 155, 171-177. [abstract]
  94. Fritz-Laylin, L.K., Prochnik, S.E., Ginger, M.L., Dacks, J.B., Carpenter, M.L., Field, M.C., Kuo, A., Paredez, A., Chapman, J., Pham, J., Shu, S., Neupane, R., Cipriano, M., Mancuso, J., Tu,H., Salamov, A., Lindquist, E., Shapiro, H., Lucas, S., Grigoriev, I.V., Cande, W.Z., Fulton, C., Rokhsar, D.S., and Dawson, S.C. (2010) "The Genome of Naegleria gruberi Illuminates Early Eukaryotic Versatility" Cell, 140(5):631-642.
  95. Penna, A., Fraga, S, Batocchi, C., Casabianca, S., Giacobbe, M.G., Riobò, P. and Vernesi, C. (2010) "A phylogeographic study of the toxic benthic dinoflagellate genus Ostreopsis Schmidt." Journal of Biogeography Volume 37(5): 830–841.
  96. Jabaily, R.S. and Sytsma, K.J. (2010) "Phylogenetics of Puya (Bromeliaceae): Placement, major lineages and evolution of Chilean species." Am. J. Botany 97: 337-356.
  97. Linnakoski, R., Z. W. de Beer, J. Ahtiainen, et al. (2010). "Ophiostoma spp. associated with pine- and spruce-infesting bark beetles in Finland and Russia." Persoonia : Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 25: 72-93.
hummingbird in flight

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